🔴In times of crises, wealth is created (seize the opportunity)

🧠This is a period in which the market requires focus and patience

Lock negative reviews and rate positive ones

Choose the currency that suits you after studying it and do not spread your liquidity over many currencies

Always do your studies, choose the right thing, and trust in God

🫥We come to the important thing

What is your plan with digital currencies?

And over how much?

One year, two years, three years or less or more?

Have you made a plan to reach a certain amount?

Are you winning or losing?

Or are you waiting to return your money without planning and leave a market after seeing something negative?

Do you have a goal, ambition, and dreams that are bigger than this one that you want to reach, or are you just sitting there wasting your money and wasting your effort to no avail? And if I lose, it's a loss, be honest with me?

Do you feel regret, or do you feel that you are on the wrong path, or do you not know what is the right thing to do, and do you need guidance from someone, or do you need a place other than this?

Do you see yourself in digital currencies or just a field that depends on luck, or do you have to study, learn, and strive to realize and achieve your dreams?

Share your answer and opinion with me so we can learn together