Bowman's core views can be summarized as follows:

1. **Inflation Outlook and Monetary Policy**:

- Bowman believes that there are multiple upside risks to inflation and does not expect any rate cuts in 2024. She stressed that it is not time to cut interest rates yet and that interest rates need to remain high for some time.

- She mentioned that she will remain cautious when considering future changes in policy stance given the risks and uncertainties in the economic outlook.

- Bowman is one of the most hawkish spokesmen of the Fed. She warned of upside risks to inflation and reiterated that she would not rule out the possibility of restarting rate hikes if necessary.

2. **Balance Sheet Shrinkage Strategy**:

- Bowman advocates that balance sheet shrinkage should be postponed or a more moderate strategy should be adopted. She believes that the Fed's commercial bank reserve level is still sufficient, giving officials more time to achieve the reduction target.

- She said that while it is important to slow the pace of balance sheet reduction when reserves are close to sufficient levels, it has not yet reached that level.

- She prefers a portfolio composed mainly of U.S. Treasuries and recommends a "slight tilt" to short-term bonds to increase the Fed's flexibility.

3. **Financial stability risks**:

- Bowman warned that if the economy weakens, an environment of rising interest rates could erode the credit quality of bank balance sheets.

- She urged officials to consider taking measures to enhance the resilience of the U.S. Treasury market, including reconsidering the leverage ratio and capital surcharges faced by large global banks in the United States.

4. **Labor market and inflation risks**:

- Bowman pointed out that with the trend of gradual balance between supply and demand in the labor market, upside risks to inflation still exist, including geopolitical and loose financial conditions.

These views reflect Bowman's cautious attitude towards the current economic environment and future policy trends, as well as her high attention to inflation and financial market stability. She believes that in the current complex and changing economic environment, it is necessary to carefully balance monetary policy and balance sheet reduction strategies to ensure the stability of financial markets and the healthy development of the economy.