Odaily Planet Daily News: ZeroLend announced on X that the ZeroLend One (v2) white paper is now online. This whitepaper provides a comprehensive introduction to ZeroLend One and its new features, including motivations and basic technical details: 1. Permissionless lending pools Users can create lending pools without permission, supporting any chain and asset; this allows ZeroLend to scale up borrowing and isolate risks to a single pool; 2. Automated risk manager; To further expand risk management, v2 introduces ARM; ARM is an automated contract that follows a set of rules to manage risk at scale, which can be driven by artificial intelligence or through complex algorithms to monitor hundreds of variables; 3. Liquidity Hooks Inspired by Uniswap v4, lending pools now introduce Liquidity Hooks, allowing pool creators to add custom logic to extend the functionality of standard lending pools; 4. User-set fixed-rate lending; Inspired by Liquity v2, fixed-rate lending is a similar concept that allows borrowers to determine their own interest rates, giving them better flexibility and predictability in costs; 5. NFT Positions Users can now represent their lending positions as NFTs, improving the lending experience; they can also have multiple positions in each wallet, transfer positions, and even trade on OpenSea NFT positions.