! ! It's not too late to go long after listening to my analysis! !

To be frank, I'm here to sing the opposite tune. Many big Vs are singing long, so don't follow them blindly! The four-hour level has just closed. From the current market, if it can't rush to 63357u, it can only be understood as a strong rebound! Yesterday's decline was not groundless, because the weekly trend is on the short side and is in a correction. You can look at my homepage. I have been reminding you since last week that the contract direction this week must be mainly on the short side.

If you really want to be bullish, standing firm on 63357u is just the first step! Old traders all understand one thing, once a trend is formed, it will not change easily. You can not believe me, I accept all doubts, but don't be impulsive! Let's take a step back and say that the long army really starts to start, and there are still many opportunities to enter the market later! Markets are common but positions are not common, so it is recommended to stay put first!

Let's talk about the short trend. The one-hour level closed below 60928u, and continued to break down and stabilize at 60598u. I think it will be the beginning of another one-hour level decline! The short target is 59764u first.

There are shorts in the longs, and there are many in the shorts. The current market is indeed in a stage of change, and the ups and downs are just a thought away! I hope my deduction can help every friend recognize the key positions of the ups and downs, and it's not too late to do it when the market is clear!

If you have any insights, doubts, concerns, and opinions, please exchange them in the comment area

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