A must-have course for novice retail investors:

How to keep your capital in market fluctuations?

In the world of investment, retail investors often struggle with choosing the right currency or grasping the time, but I want to tell you that the most important thing is to keep your capital! Yes, it is the principal.

You may say, isn't time important? Time is not as critical as you think for retail investors. Because investment is a long-term process, not a short-term game. More importantly, how much money you have to invest is the key to whether you can gain a foothold in the market.

Many retail investors always complain that they sell too high and feel that they don't make enough money. But I want to tell you that it doesn't matter how much you make. What matters is that you can make a profit from your investment, not a loss. Selling at a high price can at least guarantee that you will gain something, rather than fall into the quagmire of floating losses.

Some currencies may rise first, and some may rise later, but there are always opportunities. Don't always think about selling at the highest point, because that is often accompanied by huge risks. It's good enough to be able to withdraw at the right time.

Don't always fantasize about making thousands of times more money from a certain currency and getting rich overnight. This mentality is unrealistic. While pursuing high returns, you also have to ask yourself whether you can bear the corresponding risks. People who do short-term trading often find it difficult to hold on to currencies that have increased by 100 or 1,000 times. So, don't have those unrealistic dreams.

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