All members of the cryptocurrency circle, please pay attention! Warning about USDT transactions:

Don't be greedy for low prices, otherwise the risk of fund freezing is high!

During the transaction process, please be careful and cautious to avoid being tempted by low prices and falling into a situation where funds are frozen.

Funds of on-site currency traders need to be strictly verified

Please do not trust any on-site currency traders' promises of funds. Be sure to go through a strict verification process to ensure the security and legality of funds.

Be aware of the risks of virtual currency investment

Remember, no funds in the cryptocurrency circle are truly risk-free. Any investment is risky, so be careful.

Be wary of fleet funds

On the trading platform, the so-called "fleet funds" often involve illegal activities. Be vigilant and avoid contact with them.

The audit process cannot be ignored

Even if you have the ability to audit transaction flow and real-name information, you cannot completely avoid the risk of becoming a suspect involved in the case. Once a victim reports to the police, your funds may be at risk of being frozen.

Be cautious with high-priced transactions

High-priced transactions are often accompanied by high risks, especially those funds that are frequently filtered, which are more likely to be illegal gains. Be sure to be vigilant and avoid being tricked.

Reputable merchants are the first choice

For large-scale USDT transactions, it is recommended to find reputable large merchants to trade. Although the price may be lower, the risk of funds being frozen is relatively low. However, please note that even large merchants cannot completely guarantee that funds will not be frozen.

Choose trading platforms carefully

In addition to platforms such as EUR and Binance, other platforms have higher risk factors. Especially some platforms suspected of money laundering or gambling should be more vigilant.

Preventing black and gray funds is the top priority

For everyone in the currency circle, preventing black and gray funds is the primary issue. Be sure to stay vigilant and ensure the safety of your funds.

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