FTM, PHB and ENS are worth continuing to pay attention to! ! ! 💥💥💥


Current quote: 0.81U

Defense position: 0.70-0.75U range

Short-term support point: around 0.75U

FTM has good gaming opportunities near the short-term support level, and it is recommended to pay attention to the entry point around 0.75U.


Current trend: stable growth

Key points: need to pay close attention to changes in market sentiment and trading volume

PHB needs to pay close attention to changes in market trading volume and sentiment to seize short-term opportunities.


Current quote: large fluctuations, but the overall trend is upward

Support level: pay attention to changes in important support levels

ENS is suitable for paying attention to key support levels during volatility callbacks and capturing short-term buying opportunities.

Investors should adjust their operating strategies in a timely manner according to market trends and their own risk preferences.

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