Hu, born in the 1990s, is the son of a farmer in Meishan, Sichuan. He studied hard and was admitted to a college in Sichuan to study finance. As a "phoenix from the mountains", Hu felt very proud and believed that he would make a difference. But when he graduated, he only found an ordinary job in the city. Because the competition is very fierce nowadays, a bachelor's degree is not as popular as before.

Although Hu had high aspirations but low skills, he accepted his fate and worked hard at his job. He was soon promoted to a regular employee and continued to be promoted. His salary kept rising. A few years later, Hu saved more than 200,000 yuan and was about to buy a house in the city. However, at this time, he met a woman who changed the direction of his life.

Qianqian, a new female accountant, has come to the company. She is fair-skinned and beautiful. She is the daughter of a local wealthy businessman. She has a boyfriend in college and is about to get married. Even though Qianqian is already taken, there are still many admirers in the company, such as Hu. He is attracted not only by Qianqian's appearance and personality, but more importantly, Qianqian has a city hukou. If he is with Qianqian and gets married, he can change his past background and truly become a city dweller.

Therefore, in order to win over Qianqian, Hu spent a lot of time and money to package himself as a rich man, often sending flowers and luxury goods to Qianqian. These actions really touched her, and soon Qianqian kicked her boyfriend and held Hu's hand. Hu was so happy that he forgot everything. Now that he has a beautiful woman in his arms, he is a little arrogant.

He took out 200,000 yuan for buying a house and planned to spend it all on Qianqian, but when browsing the web, he suddenly found a website for virtual currency trading. Hu was tempted. If he could share the profits, he could not only buy more luxury goods for Qianqian, but he could also use the extra money to buy a house. Based on his confidence in his professional ability, Hu began to invest in this virtual currency project.

However, online investment is very risky, and the project he was interested in was actually a shell. At first, he invested 3,000 yuan to test the waters, and the return gave him 500 yuan in income. He looked at the records in his bank account and was very proud, so he directly invested all 200,000 yuan. This was exactly what the scammers did. Although he watched the virtual currency grow on the website, when he wanted to withdraw cash later, he found that his computer crashed. At this time, he suddenly realized that he had been scammed.

If Hu had called the police right now, the police could have helped him recover his money based on the clues he provided, and also brought the bad guys to justice. However, Hu took a different approach, not only did he not call the police, but he saw a "business opportunity" and decided to commit crimes to make money himself.

As you can imagine, his thinking is very dangerous. As a college student majoring in finance, he has professional knowledge but is full of tricks. If a top student like him commits a crime, the consequences will be more serious than those of an ordinary person. Because he uses his professional knowledge to deceive ordinary people, the victims are more likely to fall for it.

When Hu was preparing to commit the crime, Qianqian noticed the change in her boyfriend. He was no longer as generous as before, and sometimes even asked for AA when eating. Under Qianqian's questioning, Hu admitted that his investment failed and invited her to develop his "fraud" business together. Qianqian was not disgusted after hearing this, but was somewhat moved, so she decided to commit fraud with him. From this we can also find that these two people are "birds of a feather flock together", no wonder they can be boyfriend and girlfriend, they have the same values ​​and no moral bottom line.

One of them studied finance and the other studied accounting in college. They joined forces and quickly developed a scam routine for virtual currency transactions. Hu first recruited 20 fraud members willing to join the gang from the Internet. Some of them were responsible for making websites, some were responsible for publicity, and some played the role of profiteers and went to some investment analysis forums to talk about their "investment experiences" to attract victims to compete for investment.

When the first batch of "lambs to be slaughtered" invested their capital, Hu and Qianqian distributed some small profits to calm their emotions. Sure enough, after seeing the profits, the victims boldly invested more capital. As more and more victims invested, Hu decided to "close the net". He directly asked the website administrator to shut down the investment platform and transfer the victims' money.

After completing this scam, Hu's team created a second website shell, a third one... His routine was the same. After closing the net, he would cancel the website and then register it again. Relying on such fraudulent means, Hu's team defrauded 17 million yuan in less than a year, of which he and Qianqian received more than 7 million yuan. After Hu became rich overnight, he knew that he should stop, so he completely disbanded the gang, took the stolen money and lived in a luxury house with Qianqian, squandering the money he had defrauded.

During his fraud, many people realized that they were deceived and complained to the website, but because Hu was too cunning, the operation center failed to contact him. Some victims also reported to the police directly. At first, the police had a headache for a long time. There were professionals in Hu's team who exploited the loopholes of network operation, so they had been at large. However, after multiple investigations by professional departments, the police finally locked the identities of the two and quickly arrested the two and the other 22 people in the gang.

When the police went to their "nest" to investigate the stolen money, they found that their house was full of cash. This money was the money of those innocent victims, some of which was the pension money that had been saved for many years, some of which was the down payment for buying a house, and some was even the life-saving money for terminal illness. This group of people has committed the crime of fraud. The amount involved in their case is as high as 17 million yuan, which is already a huge amount. What awaits them will be severe legal sanctions! #内容挖矿 #BTC

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