Many friends sent me private messages asking if it is the right time to buy the bottom and when is the best time to buy the bottom. I am sorry that all my answers are, I don’t know. Why do I say that? Because trading is responsible for yourself. I can tell you that you can buy the bottom or not now. I will not lose anything. Even if I lose, it is not my loss.

Instead of pinning your hopes on others, it is better to improve your cognition. More cognition will inevitably make more money. For BTC and ETH, my public investment strategy is fixed investment, because I never believe that I have the ability to buy at the lowest point and sell at the highest point, so it is safest to buy regularly.

Of course, more friends do not need to do this, so my personal suggestion is that you start to gradually build positions at the bottom you think. For example, when you think that $58,000 is the bottom, you can open a 5% spot position first, and then cover the position every time it falls to a certain extent. For example, my plan is to open a 10% position at $56,000, and then cover the position by 5% every time it falls by $1,000.

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