5301504857#TAOMarket Overview:

Multitude: From 1 hour to 4 hours, the majority of the market is dominated by the majority, but don't take it lightly!

Key watershed: Focus on the 4-hour multi-bear watershed, which is located near 274.65. This is the key to determining the short-term trend!

Solid support: There are three support levels below, namely 264.90, 258.51 and 235.80. They are like three guardians, escorting your positions.

Heavy pressure: The pressure above is also not small, concentrated at 289.20, 294.95 and 298.15. Once it breaks through, a new chapter may begin!

Investment is like a battlefield, and every step needs to be cautious. When chasing the glory of celebrities, don't forget to pay attention to the "battlefield" in your hands - the investment market.

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