#BTC走勢分析 #山寨现货布局如何布局

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The current rebound has caused most of the friends to relax their tense hearts in the past few days and shoot all the remaining bullets in their hands, but don’t you consider that this is just a rebound? Therefore, Brother Jiu suggests that friends who have made money during the rebound can consider landing for safety.

Brother Jiu originally said that after the rebound, don’t be too greedy, otherwise you will spit back the profits you have earned, and even your bullets will be gone, so you must always maintain a vigilant mentality.

It is not yet the time for the counterattack. Friends can be a little more rational. After all, we are not fighting with happy beans. If the big cake does not hold up when it retreats, then you will not even have bullets to cover your positions. What should you do then? If the retreat holds up, Brother Jiu will notify you of the opportunity to get on the train again.

There are too many good currencies waiting for us at present, just like a wolf seeing hundreds of fainted sheep. I don’t know which one is delicious, which one is average, which one is not delicious, and which one is poisonous. In this case, you should choose more carefully.

How should the copycat spot be arranged? How to deal with the current situation? Come with Brother Jiu! $SSV $OP $FLOKI