It is very interesting that before almost every bull market starts, the market's pessimism and despair about "there is still a bull market" will reach a local extreme value, and the leveraged positions of the shorts will accumulate to a maximum value. When the psychological and physical empty spaces in the market both reach the local maximum, the market will suddenly explode the short leveraged positions in a rapid manner, and step on the corpses of the shorts to reach the peak of the bull market.

For example, the "94 Incident" in 2017 made the market extremely frightened, and then quickly exploded the shorts, and rushed to 19,800 at the end of the year. For example, at the end of 2020, people who had just gone through the extremely painful "312" circuit breaker deleveraging, no one dared to think that there would be a bull market. As a result, it broke through 50,000 dollars on the fifth day after the Spring Festival in 2021. How many shorts were buried

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