📰Odaily Planet Daily latest news! The Hong Kong Investment Funds Association and KPMG jointly released the report "Vision 2030: The Future of Hong Kong's Fund Management Industry". The report emphasizes that Hong Kong's position as a major asset management center in Asia remains solid, but there is still room to further strengthen cross-border wealth management programs and tax incentives to promote the steady development of the industry. 🚀

🔎The report points out that Hong Kong's investment diversification, especially the growing interest in alternative assets, is also increasing. Many fund management companies have successively launched products in investment areas such as private equity, private credit, infrastructure assets and real estate to meet the growing demand. 🌱

🎉What is more exciting is that virtual assets continue to attract investors' interest, including virtual asset ETFs, and the investment options are becoming more and more abundant. Recent regulatory developments have helped Hong Kong enhance its competitiveness and become the first choice for fund management companies to invest in emerging asset classes. 💼We are optimistic about the future of Bitcoin! 🚀