#ENS $ENS Market Overview

In the market analysis of ENS, a purple signal point appeared at the 1-hour level, suggesting that there is a possibility of a short-term decline. The 2-hour and 4-hour levels clearly show the advantage of the bulls, and the market is bullish. It is particularly worth noting that we need to focus on the long-short watershed at the 4-hour level, which is located near 23.001. Its changes will have an important impact on the subsequent market.

From the perspective of the support level below, it is near 22.132, 21.087 (Note: There may be a repetition or error here. I assume that the second position is 20.187 for correction) and 22.132 (again, remind again that the second position may need to be corrected). These support levels are stable and reliable, and will provide solid protection for investors' positions.

On the top, the pressure level is mainly concentrated near 23.868, 24.108 and 24.645. If ENS can successfully break through these pressure points, the market is expected to open a new chapter of rising, bringing more lucrative returns to investors.

Finally, we remind investors that investment is risky and you need to be cautious when entering the market. When making investment decisions, please be sure to fully consider your own risk tolerance and market changes, and invest rationally.

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