Because there are two big mountains blocking the way!

1. Trading psychological traps:

A. They tend to take profits while they are ahead and are averse to risks and uncertainties.

B. When faced with losses, one tends to give it a try, hoping that taking risks can avoid certain losses (breaking the jar).

C. Overconfidence, believing that their own analysis and expectations are absolutely rational, attributing occasional success to their own abilities and failure to external factors, and being driven by emotions and unable to correctly understand the actual market situation.

D. Overreacting, believing that the market will continue to fall and will continue to rise, and the expectation of market conditions deviates too far from the real value, and turning a blind eye to the risks that are gradually approaching.

E. Fear of losing control and like the feeling of being in control, so they leave the market when they see something bad and enter the market when they see something good. They trade frequently and are unable to hold good orders for the long term.

F. Regret. Always think that the operation you think of is the plan you have thought of, and regret for not executing it.

G. Greedy, thinking that he has a very accurate vision, and wants to double his efforts and see further.

H. Jealousy. When you see others making money while you don’t, you become impulsive, as if you have lost money.

I. Hope. I always want the price to go up as soon as I buy and go down as soon as I sell. I don’t want to wait.

J. Despair, thinking that his trading system is not good, he is not good enough, and wants to change or leave. To overcome psychological problems, you need to feed yourself with real trading and money, but there are ways to minimize these costs.

2. Trading technology:

Technical & fundamentals. Fundamentals - studying supply and demand requires the ability to judge the truth from the complicated and redundant information, as well as industry background and hands-on investigation. It is only recommended to understand it. Technical - indicator school, pattern school, naked K school, wave school, volume price momentum school... Main attack. Regarding trading technology, I want to say that learning is daily, and the way is daily loss. How to understand it, all indicators and patterns are formed after the price, just a historical display, which will be repeated but not copied. You don't need to learn too many technical tools, just understand them roughly, and then select a few of them for special research. Too many and chaotic. #BTC