Curiosity about the identity of Bitcoin founder Satoshi Nakamoto has created controversy in the cryptocurrency community for many years. A recent article continues to provide new evidence that the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto has been revealed.

A recent article from Hacker Noon reveals more new information about the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, as the search for Bitcoin's anonymous founder has led us into many dead ends and scattered clues everywhere. . However, new data appear as pieces of a puzzle, revealing that Satoshi Nakamoto may be a group of people or an individual closely related to other major cryptocurrency projects.

New information about Satoshi Nakamoto

A new theory from YouTuber Fooch suggests that Satoshi Nakamoto could be three people, combining their first and last names. This is different from previous theories that Satoshi was just a single individual.

Trading history and technical signals

Technical analysis has identified a string of suspicious transactions, directly related to the first blocks of Bitcoin. These transactions not only show a distinctive transaction pattern, but also show signs that the person performing them has a deep knowledge of blockchain technology.

Specifically, the first Bitcoin transactions used sophisticated digital signatures, a level that at the time only a handful of experts could achieve. This has led to the hypothesis that Satoshi Nakamoto may have been a group of people with exceptional technical skills who worked together to create Bitcoin.

Another notable point is the use of advanced encryption algorithms in transactions. These algorithms are said to be developed only by people with high technical skills and a deep understanding of cryptocurrencies. This raises the possibility that Satoshi Nakamoto was not a single individual but may have been a group of people with diverse skills and knowledge.

Hal Finney and Adam Back

There are many other theories that Hal Finney, a prominent name in the Bitcoin community, is known to be the first person to receive Bitcoin in a transaction that could be Satoshi Nakamoto. On January 12, 2009, Finney received 10 Bitcoins from Satoshi Nakamoto, marking him as one of the project's earliest supporters and contributors.

However, new research by Jameson Lopp, a Bitcoin researcher, has provided evidence that Hal Finney is not Satoshi Nakamoto. Lopp analyzed the timing of a specific Bitcoin transaction and Finney's participation in a race, concluding that these two events occurred simultaneously, ruling out the possibility that Finney was Satoshi at the time.

Additionally, Adam Back, British cryptographer and CEO of Blockstream, is also suspected to be Satoshi because of his early involvement with Bitcoin. In 1997, Adam developed Hashcash, a proof-of-work system currently used in Bitcoin mining. This invention is mentioned in Satoshi Nakamoto's white paper. However, through public emails between Satoshi and Adam, it can be seen that the two have different communication styles and technical expertise, proving that Adam is not Satoshi.

Evidence of Satoshi Nakamoto's experience

Researchers have discovered some textual evidence related to other cryptographic projects in which Satoshi Nakamoto may have been involved. The content and style of these documents are similar to what Satoshi Nakamoto has published, helping to identify Nakamoto's personal characteristics and providing further clues about other projects he may have been involved in before. when creating Bitcoin.

Gavin Andresen, the original core developer of Bitcoin, is often suspected of being Satoshi Nakamoto due to his significant contributions to the Bitcoin ecosystem and familiarity with Satoshi's work. In the documentary “The Bitcoin Story,” Gavin praised Satoshi's extraordinary intelligence and admitted that he never met Satoshi in person, only communicating through email and online forums.

Gavin also believes that he may have been the last person to communicate with Satoshi. In his last email to Satoshi, Gavin announced that he had been invited to the CIA to give a presentation. After that, Satoshi said he would withdraw and from then on, Gavin never heard from Satoshi again.

One of the other important factors in determining the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto is the lines of Bitcoin's source code. Experts analyzed the source code and found similar pieces of code in other coding projects. This suggests that the Bitcoin coder may have reused code from previous projects, further supporting the theory that Satoshi Nakamoto has extensive experience in the crypto industry.

Another notable point is the use of complex encryption tools and advanced algorithms in Bitcoin's transactions and source code. This shows that Satoshi Nakamoto is not only a person with basic knowledge of encryption but also has in-depth skills and practical experience in this field.

Impact on the cryptocurrency market

If the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto is truly revealed, it could send shockwaves through the cryptocurrency community. The value of Bitcoin can fluctuate widely as investors react to new information.

Some experts say that knowing the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto could increase confidence in Bitcoin if the founder is considered a trustworthy pioneer. Conversely, if the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto is exposed and untrustworthy individuals or groups are implicated, this could reduce trust in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

While debates over the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto continue, this article from Hacker Noon provides a new and deeper look at this mysterious founder. New evidence and detailed technical analysis have opened many new avenues for discovering the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto. Only time will tell whether these findings are true or not, but there is no doubt that the journey to find the truth about Satoshi Nakamoto will continue and attract the attention of the cryptocurrency community. Global.

Some experts also believe that determining the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto could affect legal regulations on cryptocurrency. If Satoshi Nakamoto is found to be an individual or entity involved in opaque activities, regulators could tighten regulations on Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. On the contrary, if his identity is confirmed as a reputable person and major contributor to the cryptocurrency community, this could boost the adoption and usage of cryptocurrencies worldwide.

Ultimately, the revelation of Satoshi Nakamoto's identity could open up many new opportunities for research and development in the field of blockchain technology. Researchers can learn from his experiences and knowledge to develop new applications and solutions that benefit the community and society.

With new analysis and evidence, the journey to find the truth about Satoshi Nakamoto goes beyond identifying a founder and opens up new questions and opportunities for the future of money. encryption and blockchain technology.