Will the market plunge trend peak? Be cautious when buying at the bottom and wait and see!

The digital currency market has once again fallen into a turbulent chaos, as if it had experienced a huge storm rarely seen in history. Countless investors have to face the storm, and their hearts are full of doubts-when will this plunge stop?

The market is like an unpredictable beast, sometimes docile like a sheep, sometimes violent like a lion. However, at this moment, the beast seems to be out of control, bringing a heavy blow to countless investors.

Although in this frenzy of plummeting, there is also a glimmer of hope. I firmly believe that the upcoming US election and interest rate cuts will inject more good news into the market. In today's globalized world, every change in politics and economy may have a profound impact on market trends.

Imagine if the United States continues to implement quantitative easing policies, market liquidity will surge like a flood! This seems to indicate that the market may usher in a new round of prosperity.

However, now is not the time to buy at the bottom! Don't listen to the so-called experts' position suggestions, don't believe that the market has bottomed out or the last wave of decline... The market may not have bottomed out yet!

If you have funds, you can consider adding positions after the market stabilizes. But be sure to maintain calm analysis and rational judgment, and don't be confused by short-term market fluctuations.

Take a deep breath and calm down your excitement: "I wish everyone to stay stable in this storm and achieve wealth growth. As for me, I choose to wait and see and make plans after the storm passes!"

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