
WIF: A yellow dot appeared at 4 o'clock this morning on the 4-hour level, indicating that the market is rising.

We can wait for the long order buy signal, i.e. the yellow dot, in 1 hour.

Note: Near the position of 1.7683, as long as the downward movement does not break this price, wait for the yellow dot to appear and close, which is our entry point, #WIF逆袭 #MegadropLista

Target position: Near the two positions of 1.8102-1.8951,

If the 1-hour long and short prices are broken, Short orders emerge, the target below: around 1.6932-1.6131#WIF.智能策略库🥇🥇 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 $WIF $ETH