About Farcaster

Farcaster was founded in 2021 in Silicon Valley by Dan Romero and Varun Srinivasan.

Farcaster is a decentralized social network protocol that aims to establish direct connections between users, while developers can access public data without permission, support diverse and flexible client and application development, encourage innovation and experimentation, and provide users with rich social experiences and choices. Farcaster manages user identities on the Ethereum and OP chains, but stores messages and posts in the off-chain Hub network to increase speed and reduce costs.

Farcaster allows users to create, own and transfer their own identities and content without relying on any centralized platform or service. Its goal is to create an open, free, diverse and interoperable Web3 social ecosystem. As an open social protocol, Farcaster allows various applications to be built on its basis.

From the development perspective, Farcaster recently launched a new feature called Frame, which can turn any cast (which you can understand as Farcaster’s tweets or posts) into an interactive application; this new feature brings more possibilities to the Farcaster ecosystem, including a built-in airdrop checker in the cast and one-click gas-free NFT minting.

In other words, Frame can easily attract crypto developers and pave the way for more crypto businesses to flourish.

Facaster Financing

l Facaster financing background

Facaster recently completed a $180 million financing, and this news has attracted widespread attention in the community. As an important part of the Facaster ecological chain, the interactivity and stability of the node are crucial to the long-term development of the project.

l The impact of financing on the ecosystem

Financing means that the project has more resources to invest in the construction of the ecosystem, including but not limited to technology development, marketing and community operations. As node operators, we have reason to believe that at some point in the future, we may be able to obtain airdrop rewards from the project party by participating in node operations.

The importance of node operations

It is clearly stated in the official documentation of Facaster that node operation will not be given explicit reward incentives. However, as the key to the health and prosperity of the community, node operation is of great significance to the sustainable development of the project. Therefore, although direct economic returns may not be seen in the short term, in the long run, continued investment and optimization of node operations will help build a more robust and active ecosystem.

Facaster node operation steps

l Recommended running configuration:

The project belongs to the node operation category, not mining


4 cores or more CPU

300GB+ hard disk space

Ports 2281–2283 need to be open

The installation involves bash scripts, which require Ubuntu or Mac OS. Windows can install WSL/multipass operation

l Download and install Farcaster client

Open the App Store: The Farcaster client may be available in different app stores. You can open the corresponding app store based on the type of device you are using (such as iOS or Android).

Create or import an account: Once installation is complete, open the client application. Depending on the client's requirements, you may need to create a new Farcaster account or import an existing account.

Getting started with Farcaster: Once you have created or imported your account, you can start using the Farcaster client. You can follow other users, post messages, participate in discussions, etc.

l Download and install Dock

Before you start, make sure you have installed Dock on your computer. If not, you can refer to the relevant tutorials to install it. At the same time, you need to pay attention to protecting your personal information and avoid sharing account information or sensitive data in public.

l Get RPC and OP node information

You can find the method of obtaining RPC and OP nodes in the official documentation. It should be noted that not all nodes are available for free. When choosing a node, you should choose a node service that suits you based on your actual situation and needs.

l Register and obtain FID

To run the Facaster node normally, you need to register an account and obtain the corresponding FID. FID is an important credential for node operation and must be kept properly. After obtaining the FID, enter it into the specified command line so that the system can correctly identify and configure the node.

l Run and monitor nodes

When running a node, you can determine whether the node is working properly by observing the CPU usage. Generally speaking, there should be a significant increase in the CPU usage, which means that the node is being used effectively. In addition, it is necessary to regularly check and update the status of the node to ensure that it is always in the best working condition.

l Future of node operations

Although Facaster has not yet made a clear commitment to provide direct economic rewards to node operators, this possibility exists as the project advances and the ecosystem grows. Therefore, for node operators, continued attention and investment will be the key to achieving long-term benefits. At the same time, you can also join relevant communities and discussion groups to exchange experiences and skills with other operators and jointly promote the healthy development of the Facaster ecosystem.