Greed Fear Index - Fear 30 #BTC恐慌情绪

There are 365 days in a year, and currently only 9 days are fearful, but in fact, the market has generated fear in 3 stages in total.

The first stage is September 23. The market price in September 23 was very sensitive. The key support and pressure exchange position was around 25,000 US dollars. Once it fell below this level, market confidence might be directly defeated, because the range oscillation time had exceeded 180 days (6 months) at that time, and the price was already very weak when it came to around 25,000.

The second stage is May 2, 24. This is when the price fell below 58,000 last month, and the same key price and weak performance.

The third stage is now.

Judging from the performance of the first two stages, although the market has entered the panic stage, it has not continued to fall below the key position and continued to be weak. I think it is the same now. We still need to pay attention to the action of the core price. If the core price is still broken, panic will spread.

If the core price does not fall below, but rebounds, market sentiment will warm up.

The market is often just this line of moment