#SUI $SUI SUI Market Express: The bulls are rising strongly, and the battle for the top of the 4-hour price!

Today, the SUI market is surging, and the bulls have a comprehensive advantage at the 1/2/4-hour level.

The focus of the battle is at the 4-hour level of long and short prices of 0.8761! This is not only the market's weather vane, but also the turning point of the market trend.

The lower line of defense, the triple support level builds a fortress: 0.8643, 0.8420, 0.8067, hold them, and there is hope for a rebound! However, when victory is in sight, you still need to take every step carefully.

The upper target, three high grounds are waiting for you to attack: 0.9050, 0.9179, 0.9369, if you can break through, a new high is in sight! But remember, the market is unpredictable, and every step needs to be cautious.

The market is like a battlefield, changing rapidly. In this long-short game, only by keeping calm and keenly capturing the subtle changes in the long-short forces can we seize opportunities in fluctuations and realize wealth appreciation.

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