I can tell you clearly that for a trend reversal like the current one, it is completely possible to make a plan through trading technology. No technology can predict the market, but when we see that there is a greater risk on the market, it can be avoided. This is what technology can do. In short, it allows you to always stand on the side of high probability.

Let's get back to the point and talk about the market.

4H, left picture, it is still a short structure. After the departure segment upgrade, the divergence disappears, and the decline has not stopped yet. If there is a three-sell opportunity at this level, it will be a good point to hang short, but based on my observation of BTC's stock nature this year, BTC is unlikely to give this opportunity, but through continuous extension of the sub-level trend, it will complete the downward trend at one time. So for students who want to short, I still say that you should start from the sub-level to test the warehouse.

30F, right picture, it is a non-divergence falling consolidation structure. The slope of the departure segment is very large, and MACD enters the oversold zone. There is a demand for oversold rebound, but the divergence coefficient here is too small, and it is impossible to receive spot or go long, so it can only be done according to the high-altitude thinking.

Trading suggestions: For spot, you can only wait and see. Avoid the left-side flying knife, especially for copycats. The left-side flying knife in a unilateral falling market is basically like seeking death. For contracts, continue the high-altitude thinking. You don’t need to wait for the three sells at the 4H level, but look for short-selling opportunities at the 30F or even 5F level. #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #BTC走勢分析 #币安合约锦标赛