The so-called "airdrop" era has not really ended, but the returns and costs have changed. In the past, a few cents of gas fees could be exchanged for several dollars of income, bringing tens of thousands of times of returns. Now, although it takes a small amount of US dollars in gas fees and various handling fees, it can still get hundreds of dollars in income. Although the rate of return has been reduced to 10 times, it is still considerable.

The same situation also happens in currency speculation. In the past, there were many opportunities to easily get a hundred times return. Now, even if the price of the currency only rises a few times, investors will complain that the project party does not pull the market and cut leeks. Times are changing, but opportunities still exist, but we need to adjust our mentality and seize them with different strategies. #btc #eth #空投 #空投结束 $BTC