Extreme Price Target for Bitcoin from MicroStrategy President

Michael Saylor, manager of software company MicroStrategy, made a big prediction for the Bitcoin (BTC) price.

MicroStrategy Chief Executive Officer Michael Saylor said Bitcoin is “immortal” as a currency.

Wild prediction for Bitcoin price

MicroStrategy's manager Saylor said that the Bitcoin price could go up to $10 million.

Saying that the future of money is Bitcoin, Saylor said: “What is the difference between perfect money and defective money? Perfect money is economic immortality. "Tainted money is a short and cruel life," he said.

The average company stays in business for 10 years, Saylor said. According to Saylor, companies investing in Bitcoin can survive forever.

MicroStrategy began purchasing Bitcoin in August 2020 under the leadership of Saylor. The company owns more than 226 thousand Bitcoins today. The company purchased $786 million worth of Bitcoin using recently issued convertible bonds.

Satoshi broke new ground

Saylor thinks that Bitcoin's developer, Satoshi Nakamoto, has blazed a trail in economics.

“Before Satoshi, economics was pseudoscience,” Saylor said. It was a semi-religious liberal art, based on people's opinions and prejudices. "All economists before Satoshi were trying to solve economic rules with seashells, beads, pieces of paper and credit instruments," he said.