Elon Musk's X Payments Expands with South Carolina License; Dogecoin Community Is Looking forward to Integration

Elon Musk's X Payments company has increased its regulatory authority by obtaining a new money transmitter license in South Carolina.

Now licensed in 29 US states, X Payments is gearing up for a full launch later this year.

The Dogecoin community is eagerly awaiting integration announcements from Musk.

Elon Musk's X Payments company secures critical licenses, strengthens US expansion plans and sparks speculation in the Dogecoin community.

X Payments Continues Progress with South Carolina License

X Payments, led by Elon Musk, received a money transmitter license in South Carolina, allowing the company to legally transfer money within the state. This is a major milestone for X Payments, as it now operates in 29 states. This move is part of a broader effort to make the platform the “everything app.” This step is expected to significantly increase the platform's functionality and user interaction.

Strategic Expansion in US States

Following the acquisition of the new license, it has been confirmed that X Payments will launch in various states such as Arizona, Florida and Michigan. Considering that the first applications were made in 32 states, an aggressive expansion strategy stands out. The company aims to be licensed in all 50 states, aiming to offer nationwide payment solutions by mid-2024. This goal is in line with Musk's previous timelines and strategic vision for the platform.

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