Crypto Assets Guy, a crypto analyst, believes XRP could potentially surpass Ethereum’s market cap. He highlights three main reasons for this possible shift in the crypto world: Ripple’s plan to launch a stablecoin, the upcoming resolution of the SEC and Ripple lawsuit, and Ripple’s many partnerships with major financial institutions.

Call me crazy, but I believe $XRP could surpass $ETH market capWe all know it’s faster, cheaper and greener, but have in mind these 3 things:1. SEC v Ripple lawsuit about to end2. Ripple about to launch a stablecoin (RLUSD)3. Ripple has partnerships with the most powerful…

— Crypto Assets Guy (@cryptoassetsguy) June 23, 2024

Why XRP Will Surpass Ethereum (ETH)

SEC Lawsuit Nearing Conclusion

The SEC and Ripple lawsuit is finally nearing its end, and this could be a game-changer for XRP. This long-running legal battle has put a lot of pressure on Ripple, but with the resolution in sight, the regulatory fog that’s been hanging over XRP is about to lift. Once this uncertainty is cleared, we can expect a boost in investor confidence and a rise in demand for XRP.

Launch of RLUSD Stablecoin

Ripple’s plan to launch its stablecoin, RLUSD, is a big deal. Stablecoins, which are tied to regular currencies, bring stability to the often unpredictable crypto market. By introducing RLUSD, Ripple aims to make its platform more attractive to both users and investors. This new addition could significantly boost XRP’s presence in the market.

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Alliances with Large Corporations and Banks

Ripple’s partnerships with major banks and corporations are incredibly important. These alliances give Ripple a real advantage in the financial world. Thanks to Ripple’s technology, cross-border payments are becoming faster, cheaper, and more efficient. As a result, these partnerships are likely to boost the adoption of XRP and increase its market value.

New Meme Coin to Watch Aiming to be Next $BONK, $WIF or $MEW

Milei Moneda is a new meme coin inspired by the political and economic views of Javier Milei, an Argentine president known for his libertarian and pro-Bitcoin stance. You have an opportunity with the ongoing low presale price to get in early!


Show more +Show less – Conclusion

The resolution of the SEC lawsuit, the launch of RLUSD, and Ripple’s strategic partnerships are coming together to create a perfect storm for XRP. These factors are setting XRP up to potentially overtake Ethereum in market capitalization.

As Crypto Assets Guy puts it, “Consider yourself very lucky if you are in already. Everything is aligned. What a time to be a holder. What a time to be alive.” Trusting the process and watching these developments unfold could be very rewarding for XRP holders.

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The post Ripple’s XRP Will Surpass Ethereum – Here Are 3 Reasons According to Crypto Analyst appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.