After the age of 30, people must remember these 8 truths.

First, if you want to work, you must go to a big city, where the work is easy and you can make a lot of money. If you work in the village, it will not only be hard and tiring, but also make very little money.

Second, who can you trust in this life? In fact, you can't trust anyone. The only person you can trust is yourself. Only when you make a lot of money can you enjoy the fun of life. No matter how much money others have, it has nothing to do with you.

Third, if a man is generous, does not take advantage of others, and is kind, then this man is easy to accomplish great things.

Fourth, if a person is very cold to you, there will be another person next to this person, because this person gives all the enthusiasm to another person, so he is very cold to you.

Fifth, when interacting with others, if you are nervous, inferior and timid, you will be looked down upon and bullied by others. Therefore, when interacting with others, you must maintain a realistic attitude and be open and aboveboard.

Sixth, don't be kind to everyone. Treat those who bully you the way they treat you. Protect yourself well so that you can live peacefully in the world.

Seventh, poor people are reluctant to eat or use good things and give them to others. Rich people always give bad things or things they can't use to others. This is because poor people consider feelings and face, while rich people consider interests.

Eighth, people essentially only have experience and experience, which has nothing to do with age. Only when a person has very rich experience can he accumulate social experience and do all kinds of things well. If a person has no experience, then even if he lives to a very old age, he will not know much about various things in society and will not do many things well.