#Bitcoin reached developing quarter VAL around 62300 ✅ So far looks like a free fall, but considering Dollar Index starts Monday with down-move as well, there is a good chance $BTC will bounce soon. That chance doesn't deny the possibility of #BTC price first reaching May VAL under 60650.

Nearest liquidity pools:

above - 63026 / 64920 / 65700 / 67500

below - 61710 / 59930 / 58720 / 56850

Lines on the chart:

🔸72132 - May high

🔸71363 - March close

🔸69667 - week close

🔸68540 - week close (May)

🔸67577 - May close

🔸66653 - week close

🔸64025 - last April week close

Trend: D 🔽 W 🔼 M 🔼

🤑 F&G: 51 < 53 < 63 < 64 < 74