
IO today's market in-depth analysis:

Currently, from the 1-hour, 2-hour to 4-hour charts, the market is showing a bearish trend. Today's key observation point is the 4-hour long-short conversion price, which is around 3.506.

If this price is not effectively broken, it is expected that the short side will continue to dominate the market, and the potential downside targets may be concentrated around the three price levels of 3.005, 2.715 and 2.426.

However, once the price level of 3.506 is successfully reached, the long side may intervene strongly to push the price up, and the potential upside targets are expected to reach the three price areas of 3.708, 4.011 and 4.273.

Here is a reminder that contract trading involves risks, and investors must be cautious when executing transactions. The primary consideration should be to protect the principal and stick to the defensive strategy to ensure steady profits in the contract market.

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