Listening to those analysts confidently proclaiming "#altcoins are dead" is both amusing and frustrating.

They may sound authoritative in their analysis, but they're missing the point. Let me tell you the truth: even if they "bearish", altcoins won't just disappear easily.

The current market fluctuations are mostly a reshuffling process. Big players are taking advantage to accumulate, preparing for the next market trend. This is a common scene before a bull market arrives.

When facing such analyses, chances are they haven't experienced a true bull market cycle. It's best to keep some distance from their views. Don't be misled by the current market appearance.

Today is June 24, 2024; the curtain has just been raised on the beginning of a major bull market. The real excitement is yet to come!

Don't treat the crypto market like the stock market; the rhythm here is different. I dare to assert that this bull market will last at least until mid-next year, with new opportunities awaiting us in the second half of the year.

Be patient. Let's witness this together; time will prove everything. 📈💫