Newbies in the cryptocurrency circle provide investment advice and warnings about the current bull market.

Bull market opportunities: Emphasize that we are currently in a bull market, which is a rare opportunity and may be the last train for newbies to achieve wealth growth.

Rare opportunities: Describe the number and difficulty of opportunities in the cryptocurrency circle through metaphors (such as a busy market). Point out that low-cost, high-yield opportunities are decreasing and becoming increasingly difficult to seize.

Specific opportunities: "Mao" opportunities: refers to those opportunities that can easily gain benefits, but there are not many now.

"Hoarding coins" strategy: refers to holding certain currencies and waiting for them to appreciate, but this good thing does not happen often.

"Promotion" and "intermediary" opportunities: refers to other investment opportunities in the cryptocurrency circle. Although there are still some, the competition is becoming increasingly fierce.

Warnings and suggestions: By describing the changes in opportunities and the increase in competition in the cryptocurrency circle, newbies are warned to seize the current opportunities and not miss this round of bull market, otherwise it may be more difficult in the future.

Encourage newbies in the cryptocurrency circle to seize the tail of the current bull market and gain as much profit as possible through active participation and investment. At the same time, it also reminds them that opportunities are rare and they should cherish them and make careful decisions.