Emergency alert! ! ! !

Market turmoil, the currency circle is in turmoil again ! ! ! !


As the end of June approaches, the market is becoming more and more tense. After the record high of the US stock market, every small correction is like a sword of Damocles hanging over the hearts of investors.

Especially for those investors who are keen on digital currencies, every fluctuation of the US stock market is like a frightened bird, because it often means that the storm in the currency circle is coming.

In this storm, altcoins are undoubtedly the most vulnerable group. They are like lonely boats on the sea, swaying in the huge waves. According to the prediction of senior market analysts, these altcoins are likely to fall another 30%-50% on the existing basis, which is undoubtedly a heavy blow to those heavy holders.

However, in this turbulent currency circle, Bitcoin (BTC) seems to be a relatively stable haven. Although it is difficult to escape the impact of market fluctuations, many investors still have confidence in it and believe that it will return to the exciting price of less than 60,000.

After all, once Bitcoin pulls back by 10%-15%, many altcoins may pull back by as much as 30%. Therefore, it is particularly important for investors to allocate funds reasonably and grasp the opportunity to buy at the bottom.

However, while looking for investment opportunities, we must also be wary of those seemingly tempting traps. Recently, Binance has launched some VC tokens with low circulation and high market value. The project parties behind these tokens often lack actual operating capabilities and long-term planning. Once unlocked, they begin to sell frantically, leaving investors with nothing.

Therefore, when investing in these tokens, we must keep a clear mind and not be confused by the superficial prosperity. It is wise to stop losses in time.

In short, in this market full of variables, we must always be vigilant and rational. While pursuing investment returns, we must pay more attention to risk control and fund security. Only in this way can we gain an invincible position in this ever-changing currency circle.

#BTC #币安上线ZK #币安用户数突破2亿