#BOME $BOME BOME today's market analysis

In today's BOME market analysis, we first noticed that the current short-term (1/2/4 hour level) and daily level clearly point to the short market. For investors who hold long orders or intend to buy at the bottom, it is recommended to remain calm and not to act rashly.

From a more macroscopic daily perspective, as long as the market price remains below 0.008009, the overall trend will remain short. If the market rebounds but fails to effectively break through the resistance range of 0.008848-0.009022-0.009208, the market will continue to fall. For the current short market, our target point is set at around 0.008009-0.007818-0.007614.

For spot investors, it is crucial to seize the opportunity of callback during the market decline and make a reasonable layout. Please pay close attention to market dynamics, combine technical analysis, and seize opportunities to maximize investment returns.

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