3,000 yuan in the currency circle is about 400u!

Recommended optimal solution: contract

Use 100u each time, gamble on hot coins, and make a profit stop loss

100 beat 200, 200 over 400, 400 over 800.

Remember up to three times! Because the currency circle requires a little luck, it is easy to make 9 times and burst once in such a game!

If 100 passes three levels, then the principal will reach 1100u!

At this time, it is recommended to use triple strategies

Two types of orders are made in one day, ultra-short orders and strategy orders. If the opportunity comes, then trend orders are made

Ultra-short orders are used for quick attacks and 15-minute orders

Advantages: high returns

Disadvantages: high risks

Only do big cake concubines

The second type of order, strategy order, is to use a small position

For example, 10 times 15u to make a contract of about four hours

Save the profit and make a fixed investment in big cake every week

The third type, trend order

Medium and long-term trading, go directly if you see it

Advantages: more meat

Find the right point

Set a relatively cost-effective profit and loss ratio


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