Last Friday, I shorted $ZRO

13 times, tried the position at 3.16, and added the position at 3.145

Position control: 1-1.4{no stop loss}

Reason for shorting: Most of the new coins listed on Binance fell, the market was sluggish and there were no hot spots

The decline reached the lowest point of 2.87, and the high point profit was about 150%

On Saturday night, the four-hour line pulled the market to 3.391. Because there was no stop loss, the profit order turned into a loss of 40%-50%

Psychology: Panic, thinking that the market maker will pull the market, the market is rising

Behavior: Stop loss twice 25%, and then continue to increase the position by 30% to short

Later, the stop loss was withdrawn to become a profit of 10%. Seeing the strong market, all positions were closed directly, and the overall loss was controlled at 8%

PS, if you have the patience to hold the order, the short order profit has exceeded 200% so far

So this is why we are told to be patient

But one thing is that we strictly follow our stop loss principle, and we don’t lose money overall

Wait for opportunities later