The market trend of the cryptocurrency circle has undergone major changes!

2017 was the ICO era, and you could make money as long as you grabbed a share;

In 2021, DeFi rose, and investing in new projects quickly in and out could make money;

But now IEO has legal risks in most countries, and can only be priced through airdrops and market pricing. Projects with large circulation have lower opening prices and relatively stable performance.

This wave of rise in 2024 was initiated by BTC ETF. The king-level projects cooperated with Lumao Studio to create data. The project parties raised more funds from VC. The project parties with funds and users were full of confidence. There were millions of users on the chain, and most of them were CEX and DEX.

The trading platform does not have pricing power, so for projects with high valuations,

everyone should look at the fundamentals, not just the market value, and it is better to look at the circulation.

Today, the fratricide between Lumao Studio and L2 projects has turned into a farce, and the Lumao era may be over.

As an ordinary investor, the ICO of 2017, the IEO of 2021, the nesting dolls, and even the wool-pulling strategy of 2023 may not be suitable for today's market

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