6.24 Ethereum market analysis

Set the direction: high altitude

The bottom signal has not yet been issued, and the rapid decline has not yet come. Be cautious when buying the bottom. Brother Ming emphasized on June 18 that it is not time to go long. At present, Brother Ming’s thinking is not wrong at all. Compare it with the daily trend chart of BTC, read Brother Ming’s analysis every day, and follow Brother Ming’s thinking. You can lose less money and take fewer detours. Please taste it carefully.

ETH intraday pressure can be paid attention to: 3469/3493/3530, and intraday support can be paid attention to: 3408/3371/3345; for reference only, not as a specific operation plan. If you have any questions, you can talk to Brother Ming! #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 #ETH走势分析 #BTC走势分析