With the beginning of Monday, the market entered a rapid stage again. After two days of sideways consolidation over the weekend, the price of the currency finally went down and is now back to the 63,000 line. Over the weekend, we also repeatedly prompted shorting at 64,500, and now we have more than a thousand points of retracement space as expected. The short orders in the middle of the day were finally taken. I have repeatedly emphasized that we should participate in the weak market, and I don’t know how many friends have listened to it. It is so simple to follow the trend. The weak pattern on the daily structure remains, with a trend of continuous decline, and there is no chance for the bulls to counterattack. At present, the currency price has closed with a negative K again, and has refreshed the recent low again. As the lows continue to be given, the market sentiment is already dominated by shorts. As the indicator Bollinger band opens, the currency price continues to extend downward along the lower track, so in the short term, we still pay attention to the continuation of shorts. In the 4-hour trend, after a small rebound, the sideways rhythm continued to form, and then the sideways deadlock was broken with a big negative closing. The bears took the lead, so the market will continue to pay attention to the decline of the market in the future, and participate in the idea of ​​rebounding and shorting!

On Monday, it is recommended to short Bitcoin near 63500-63800, and the target is 62000-61000.

On Monday, it is recommended to short Ethereum near 3430-3450, and the target is 3350-3300.

The decline is still continuing. Don't go against the trend. If you can't do it well, you might as well change your mindset and change a mentor. Maybe there will be new miracles. #BTC☀