!!! Pay attention to safety!!!

!!! Pay attention to safety!!!

New routines in the cryptocurrency circle: the mystery of the disappearance of 100x coins and the dilemma of retail investors.

The cryptocurrency circle is ever-changing, and this year's bull market has left countless investors scratching their heads!

Everyone is wondering why there are so few 100x coins in this bull market? The reason is that the dog dealer routine has been upgraded!

In the last bull market, the market value of 100x coins was only 10 million, and it was only 1 billion after 100 times. But now, the market value of new coins is billions of dollars as soon as they are launched, and they open high and go low directly, cut leeks as soon as they are launched, and then continue to release locked coins.

More and more dealers and institutions are pouring in, and the dog dealers are becoming more and more cunning.

When everyone is chasing new coins, they simply launch currencies with a market value of billions of dollars, and new coins emerge every week or even every day, making you overwhelmed and unable to buy them all.

This decline is the best proof!

Market funds have retreated sharply, and many new coins have fallen by as much as 50%. If you didn't get out of the market in time, you will lose money in a blink of an eye.

Today's dog dealers are extremely smart, using high-dimensional thinking to attack retail investors and earn their hard-earned money by relying on their cognitive blind spots.

Therefore, when facing new coins, everyone must be very cautious!

You should know that most of the opportunities to get rich are in the new airdrops and wool in the primary market, and there are very few high-quality coins that perform well in the secondary market.

It's not that there are no good coins, but that junk coins are rampant. It is almost impossible to select high-quality coins from them!

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