1. A piece of advice: When you have saved some money, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions, the best way is to continue saving it or go out to travel and relax. The dumbest way is to use it to start a business and open a store. If you are very smart and have a mine at home, and your parents can cover the bottom line for you, then just ignore what I said. In this environment, ordinary people using money to start a business is basically equivalent to donating it.

2. When you are young, don't be too particular. What kind of car you drive, what kind of mobile phone you use, what kind of watch you wear, and what kind of clothes you wear are not the main issues you consider. If you buy items that do not match your financial strength, you will be very cautious when using them, which will increase your mental exhaustion. People have limited energy, so when you are young, you should think of ways to make money.

3. When the facts are in your favor, emphasize the facts. When the rules are in your favor, emphasize the rules. When both the facts and the rules are against you, bang the table to confuse things.

4. You must know who you are early on, find the script you want to play, and find the props you can use. That is, integrate all the resources that can be integrated, unite all the forces that can be united, find your own position, and then focus on one point, go all out, and make a breakthrough with all your strength.

5. If someone asks you to borrow 10,000 yuan, you can lend him 12,000 yuan, and then he says he only wants to borrow 10,000 yuan, then you can lend him the money. But if he accepts the full amount, remember not to lend him a penny, otherwise you will regret it.

6. Do not argue with anyone unless there is a conflict of interest. Praise a child for his intelligence, praise an old person for his youth, praise a woman for her beauty, praise a poor person for his integrity, and praise a cunning person for his agility. Your criticism will not inspire him to change, so it is better to say something nice and build a good relationship with him.

7. Things don’t have to be done beautifully, but words must be said beautifully. Just like when you go to a store to buy food, if the boss says to the chef inside, give this little brother more meat, you will be very happy in your heart, thinking about coming here to eat next time. But in fact, the chef in the kitchen didn’t really give you more meat, and the boss didn’t ask him to add more meat, but you still have a good impression of this store and the boss. A good horse is good in its legs, and a good person is good in its mouth. Don’t burn incense to offend the gods. A good horse is good in its legs, and a good person is good in its mouth. Don’t burn incense to offend the gods, and don’t speak to offend people. Slowly you will find that a good heart can never be better than a good mouth.

8. If you are a child of ordinary background, if you want to truly transform, you must change two things. First, change from hating the rich, hating the officials, and hating the powerful to worshipping and learning from whoever is excellent. Second, take whoever is excellent around you as your teacher. As long as you change this mindset, you will be close to transformation.

9. You must always be aware that when you are in trouble, your friends will not help you, your relatives will not help you, and your family will not help you. Only money can help you, and only your own thinking consciousness can help you.

10. For ordinary people with no background and no resources, it is best to go to a big city after graduation. Small cities rely on connections, while big cities rely on ability.

11. The two most important things in a person's life are to develop a good career and to find the right lover. When the sun rises, devote yourself to your career; when the sun sets, embrace your lover. This is probably the meaning of our efforts! When kindness meets kindness, it is the most beautiful encounter in the world. When kindness meets gentleness, it is the perfect match in the world.

12. Don't tell even the gods what you really want to do. Just do it quietly and talk about it after you succeed. The reality is that good things will fail once you talk about them, but bad things will succeed once you talk about them. Remember, things succeed with secrecy, and fail with disclosure. Therefore, from ancient times to the present, those who have achieved great things are those who keep their mouths shut.

13. Shielding is a person's top ability. If you look at any person or thing that consumes you, it is your fault. People who live transparently have no particular relationship to maintain, and no particular things to want. They don't resist those who approach them, and don't force those who leave to stay. They are too lazy to care even if they suffer a loss.

14. Never get angry with a trash person. Trash people have a characteristic: they are emotionally unstable and vent their emotions at will. Emotions are contagious, so the best way is to stay away from trash people. If you can't stay away, don't argue with them. After you have resolved the matter, leave them quickly. God will take care of them. Your goal is to protect yourself.

#Financial advice#Consumptionconcept#Strategyapplication #Self-development#Lendingwisdom#Socialskills#Communicationart#Attitudeadjustment#Independenceand self-reliance#Careerchoice#Lifebalance#Actionconfidentiality#Emotionalshielding