What is the basic logic of interaction in the BTC ecosystem?

1. Low cost

Low time cost and low fee cost; choose to interact when the handling fee is low, use tools to interact in batches, do not interact manually every day, and strive to interact for 24 hours

2. Short cycle

Try to choose projects that may be airdropped within half a year, especially within 3 months; of course, they are all speculations at present; the key is to fight small for big, and there may be no airdrop

3. Choose large platforms and large agreements; agreements with financing; more likely to issue coins

4. Interaction content:

There is a transfer address + a certain asset holding + balance + casting inscription

Operation idea:

❯ Three NFTs or blue-chip NFTs with zeroed positions are the best, and it is recommended that each address has 3 runes to the new address

❯ Deposit a certain amount of BTC balance.

❯ How many runes\inscriptions