Every time there is a big change, the market surges or plummets, many of them are at the end of the weekend‼ ️Will there be a big change tomorrow, a big rebound or a plummet😲

For example, the market was stagnant on the weekend of 512, but afterwards, BTC took advantage of the positive data of the US CPI on 515 and surged by more than 10,000 points in a week‼ ️Such a change node is regular‼ ️

Usually it is after the weekend, because there is no big news released on the weekend. In addition, there are major events announced, and there are technical changes after a big rise or fall‼ ️

I have seen that there is no big news to stimulate recently. The only thing is a technical change. BTC has adjusted from 720 to 636, close to 10,000 points, and some technical indicators have oversold signals. So the next step is a technical change. Without the stimulation of news, the rebound will not be as violent as the interest rate cut, unless the Fed officials release positive information during the session‼ ️🌹If the market changes, I will tell everyone in the circle about the situation🌹#美联储何时降息? $BTC