Currently, more and more people are beginning to participate in the airdrops in the BTC ecosystem, and in the process of airdrops, playing runes may be a good choice.

According to Gas8, each rune costs 0.75U, and there is no handling fee for placing an order. After selling in the market, the wallet will be directly BTC, and there is no need to transfer BTC to the wallet separately. Therefore, runes are a good choice for interaction in the BTC ecosystem.

At present, we basically use the Ybot platform to play runes. It has low cost, can be infinitely accelerated, and no longer afraid of being buried. In addition, YBot also integrates monitoring dashboards and rune integration of various addresses. At present, except that the use of Ybot requires a private key (it is recommended to use a new wallet), the overall situation is still very good. However, it is said that there will be an opportunity to upgrade to a platform that does not require a private key in the future. Looking forward to it.

When using the Ybot platform to buy new runes, there are two types of receiving addresses, one is a single address and the other is a batch address. If it is a single address, the runes we receive are combined together. For example, if we buy rune No. 0 and a group of 25, a single address will receive 25 together, and you can directly place an order to sell.

If multiple addresses are used for receiving, they will be split directly by default. For example, if we play Rune No. 0, we also play a group of 25 cards and use 2 receiving addresses, one address has 12 cards and the other address has 13 cards. However, these 13 cards are separated separately because the price is too low and a single card cannot be put on the shelf. This is more troublesome. Please pay attention to this. It is said that the founder of Ybot is also working on solving this problem.

Therefore, if you want to sell the runes quickly after earning them, you can use a single address to receive them. If there are multiple addresses, we can put a rune in each address. Because the price is low and it cannot be put on the shelf for sale, just put it at the bottom of the wallet storage box for interaction.