on Monday

Shanghai export container settlement freight rate index (European route) increased by 10.8% compared with the previous period

According to data from the Shanghai Shipping Exchange, as of June 17, 2024, the Shanghai Export Container Settlement Freight Index (European route) was 4688.53 points, up 10.8% from the previous period.

Ministry of Commerce: Anti-dumping investigation launched on imports of relevant pork and pork by-products originating from the EU

The Ministry of Commerce has decided to initiate an anti-dumping investigation on imports of relevant pork and pork by-products originating from the European Union from June 17, 2024. The dumping investigation period determined in this investigation is from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023, and the industry damage investigation period is from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2023.

National Bureau of Statistics: my country's CPI will continue to rise moderately in the next stage

Liu Aihua, spokesperson of the National Bureau of Statistics, said at a press conference held by the State Council Information Office today that in the next stage, my country's CPI will continue to rise moderately. From the perspective of food prices, seasonal fruits and vegetables are now on the market in large quantities, and food prices will remain at a seasonal low; the overall supply of industrial consumer goods is currently sufficient, which is conducive to price stability; from the perspective of service prices, as service demand further recovers, service prices are expected to continue to rise.

National Bureau of Statistics: From January to May, the sales area of ​​new commercial housing decreased by 20.3% year-on-year

According to the data from the National Bureau of Statistics, from January to May, the national real estate development investment was 4063.2 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 10.1%; among them, residential investment was 3082.4 billion yuan, a decrease of 10.6%. From January to May, the sales area of ​​new commercial housing was 366.42 million square meters, a year-on-year decrease of 20.3%, among which the sales area of ​​residential housing decreased by 23.6%. The sales of new commercial housing was 3566.5 billion yuan, a decrease of 27.9%, among which the sales of residential housing decreased by 30.5%.

National Bureau of Statistics: In May, the sales prices of commercial housing in various cities decreased month-on-month, and the year-on-year decline slightly expanded

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, in May, among the 70 large and medium-sized cities, the sales prices of commercial housing in various cities decreased month-on-month, and the year-on-year decline slightly expanded. In May, the sales prices of newly built commercial housing in first-tier cities decreased by 0.7% month-on-month, an increase of 0.1 percentage point from the previous month. Among them, Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen decreased by 1.1%, 1.4% and 0.8% respectively, and Shanghai increased by 0.6%. The sales prices of newly built commercial housing in second- and third-tier cities decreased by 0.7% and 0.8% month-on-month, respectively, and the decline expanded by 0.2 percentage points from the previous month. In May, the sales prices of second-hand housing in first-tier cities decreased by 1.2% month-on-month, an increase of 0.1 percentage point from the previous month, among which Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen decreased by 1.2%, 1.3%, 1.6% and 1.0% respectively. The sales prices of second-hand housing in second-tier cities decreased by 1.0% month-on-month, an increase of 0.1 percentage point from the previous month. The sales prices of second-hand housing in third-tier cities decreased by 0.9% month-on-month, the same as the previous month.

The central bank carried out a 182 billion yuan one-year MLF operation, and the interest rate remained unchanged

The central bank conducted a 182 billion yuan 1-year MLF operation today, with the winning rate at 2.50%, the same as before; and conducted a 4 billion yuan 7-day reverse repurchase operation, with the winning rate at 1.80%, the same as before.


The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology solicits opinions on the "Implementation Measures for Capacity Replacement in the Cement and Glass Industry (2024 Edition) (Draft for Comments)"

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology publicly solicits opinions on the "Implementation Measures for Capacity Replacement in the Cement and Glass Industry (2024 Edition) (Draft for Comments)". It is strictly prohibited to file and build new cement clinker and flat glass projects that expand production capacity. If it is really necessary to build or renovate, a capacity replacement plan must be formulated and capacity replacement must be implemented. The energy efficiency of the newly built production line must meet the energy efficiency benchmark level of the cement and glass industry required by the "Energy Efficiency Benchmark Level and Baseline Level in Key Industrial Fields (2023 Edition)". The capacity indicators used for replacement shall be strictly determined based on the capacity on the project filing or approval documents. The capacity of the cement clinker production line used for replacement cannot be split and transferred. The capacity of the flat glass production line that has been required by the local government to stop production for more than three years due to force majeure can be used for replacement before the end of June 2025, and will not be used for replacement after the end of June 2025. In principle, new cement clinker production lines located in key areas for air pollution prevention and control specified by the state or in provinces and regions where the cement clinker capacity utilization rate is less than 50% shall not replace capacity from outside the province.

Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange: The trading margin standard for urea futures 2408 and 2409 contracts is adjusted to 10%

Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange announced that starting from the settlement on June 21, 2024, the trading margin standard for urea futures 2408 and 2409 contracts will be adjusted to 10%, and the price limit range will be adjusted to 9%.

State Administration of Taxation: The tax department has not organized nationwide, industry-wide, or centralized tax inspections, nor has it made arrangements to conduct retrospective inspections of 20 or 30 years.

The head of the relevant department of the State Administration of Taxation answered the reporter's question about "recently, there have been reports that tax authorities in some regions have conducted "30-year retrospective investigations" on corporate tax issues and required companies to pay back taxes." He said that the State Administration of Taxation has paid attention to the relevant reports and fully understands the concerns of the majority of business entities and the general public. It is important to point out that: first, the tax authorities have not organized nationwide, industry-wide, or centralized tax inspections, and there are no arrangements for retrospective investigations of 20 or 30 years. Some of the recent reports on tax inspections and tax repayments are reminders of the tax arrears of previous years in accordance with procedures, and some are reminders of the risks of tax policy application in accordance with procedures. All of these are routine and normal performance of duties by tax authorities in accordance with laws and regulations.

China National Salt Chemical Industry: Some soda ash production enterprises are operating at full capacity, while some have not yet reached their peak

An investor asked on the interactive platform, "Is soda ash currently in high production and sales? Has production returned to its peak? What is the sales situation of the company's other major chemical products?" Sinochem responded that the company's major chemical products are selling normally, some soda ash production enterprises are operating at full capacity, and some have not yet reached their peak. It also stated that the company will produce 3.8439 million tons of soda ash in 2023.

NDRC: Expediting the release of special action plans for energy conservation and carbon reduction in other key industries such as electrolytic aluminum, data centers, and low-carbon transformation and construction of coal-fired power plants

Li Chao, spokesperson of the National Development and Reform Commission, said at a press conference today (June 18) that the NDRC is working hard to issue special action plans for energy conservation and carbon reduction in other key industries such as electrolytic aluminum, data centers, and low-carbon transformation and construction of coal-fired power. In addition, we will also conduct in-depth energy efficiency diagnosis of key energy-consuming units, vigorously promote energy-saving and carbon-reduction transformation and energy-using equipment renewal, and continue to promote energy conservation and carbon reduction work in key areas such as industry, construction, and transportation. (China.com)


The General Office of the State Council issued "Several Policy Measures to Promote the High-Quality Development of Venture Capital"

The General Office of the State Council issued the "Several Policy Measures to Promote the High-quality Development of Venture Capital", which proposed to further improve the policy environment and management system, actively support the expansion and strengthening of venture capital, give full play to the important role of venture capital in supporting scientific and technological innovation, guide venture capital to stabilize and increase investment in key areas in accordance with the principles of marketization and rule of law, strengthen the leading role of enterprises in innovation, promote the growth of technology-based enterprises, and provide strong support for cultivating and developing new quality productivity, achieving high-level scientific and technological self-reliance, and shaping new momentum and advantages for development.

The National Development and Reform Commission issued the Natural Gas Utilization Management Measures to further guide the standardized and effective development of the natural gas market

The National Development and Reform Commission issued the "Natural Gas Utilization Management Measures". According to relevant regulations, the general requirement is to provide gas supply guarantees for priority natural gas utilization directions; no new construction or expansion of relevant production capacity for restricted natural gas utilization directions; and no upstream enterprises will meet gas demand for prohibited natural gas utilization directions. Natural gas utilization directions outside the priority, restricted, and prohibited categories of this measure and in compliance with relevant national laws, regulations, and policies are permitted. For projects in this category of utilization directions, business entities are allowed to develop in an orderly manner under the conditions of ensuring gas sources, economic sustainability, and full market competition.

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Guide enterprises to reduce manufacturing projects that simply expand production capacity

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has revised the "Lithium-ion Battery Industry Standard Conditions" and the "Lithium-ion Battery Industry Standard Announcement Management Measures" and now announces them. It clearly states that enterprises should be guided to reduce manufacturing projects that simply expand production capacity, strengthen technological innovation, improve product quality, and reduce production costs.

Guizhou has made a number of significant achievements in mineral exploration

It was learned from the press conference held by the Department of Natural Resources of Guizhou Province on the 19th that Guizhou has been keeping a close eye on the national energy and resource security and the needs of high-quality economic and social development in the province, and has adhered to the goal of "finding more mines, finding good mines, and finding large mines". Starting from 2022, a new round of strategic actions for prospecting breakthroughs in the province has been promoted, and major achievements have been made in the process of prospecting for advantageous mineral resources. Among them, major breakthroughs have been made in phosphate prospecting, with 650 million tons of phosphate resources discovered; one fully concealed large bauxite ore body has been delineated in the central Guizhou region, and more than 50 million tons of bauxite have been discovered, making a major breakthrough in bauxite prospecting in the central Guizhou region in the past 30 years. In northwestern Guizhou, Guizhou has found rare high-grade lead-zinc deposits in the country, with an additional 207,000 tons of lead-zinc ore, making a new major breakthrough in the region since 2015; the amount of lithium resources discovered is 470,000 tons, which exceeds the sum of the previous round of strategic actions for prospecting breakthroughs.

Li Yunze: Actively explore pilot investment of insurance funds in Shanghai Gold Exchange gold contracts and related products

Li Yunze, Party Secretary and Director of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau, said at the 2024 Lujiazui Forum on June 19 that he would actively explore pilot investment of insurance funds in gold contracts and related products of the Shanghai Gold Exchange. (Securities Times)

Pan Gongsheng: It is necessary to study the inclusion of M1 statistics to better reflect the real situation of money supply

Pan Gongsheng, governor of the People's Bank of China, said at the Lujiazui Forum today that traditionally, we pay more attention to financial aggregate indicators, but we are also constantly optimizing and adjusting them. In the past, monetary policy had set specific target values ​​for the growth rate of financial aggregates such as M2 and social financing scale. In recent years, quantitative targets have faded out and turned to qualitative descriptions such as "basically matching the nominal economic growth rate." From the perspective of money supply statistics, it is also necessary to adapt to changes in the situation and continue to improve. my country's M1 statistical caliber was established 30 years ago. With the rapid development of financial innovations such as the convenience of financial services, financial markets and mobile payments, the scope of financial products that meet the statistical definition of money supply, especially M1, has undergone major changes, and it is necessary to consider dynamically improving the statistical caliber of money supply. From the perspective of monetary functions, personal demand deposits and some financial products with high liquidity or even direct payment functions need to be included in the M1 statistical scope to better reflect the true situation of money supply. (Financial Frontline)

Pan Gongsheng: Including Treasury bond trading in the monetary policy toolbox does not mean quantitative easing

Pan Gongsheng, governor of the People's Bank of China, said today at the 2024 Lujiazui Forum that the Central Financial Work Conference proposed to enrich the monetary policy toolbox and gradually increase the purchase and sale of treasury bonds in the central bank's open market operations. The People's Bank of China is strengthening communication with the Ministry of Finance to jointly study and promote implementation. This process is gradual as a whole, and the pace of treasury bond issuance, maturity structure, and custody system also need to be studied and optimized simultaneously. It should be noted that incorporating treasury bond purchases into the monetary policy toolbox does not mean quantitative easing, but positioning it as a channel for base money injection and liquidity management tools, with both buying and selling, and combined with other tools to jointly create a suitable liquidity environment. The rapid development of the financial market has also brought new challenges to the central bank. The risk event of Silicon Valley Bank in the United States has inspired us that the central bank needs to observe and evaluate the situation of the financial market from a macro-prudential perspective, and promptly correct and block the accumulation of financial market risks. At present, it is especially necessary to pay attention to the maturity mismatch and interest rate risk of some non-bank entities holding a large number of medium- and long-term bonds, maintain a normal upward-sloping yield curve, and maintain the market's positive incentive for investment. (Caixin)


Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development: Accelerate the acquisition of existing commercial housing for use as affordable housing

On June 20, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development held a video conference on the acquisition of existing commercial housing for use as affordable housing. At the meeting, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development made it clear that all localities should promote cities at or above the county level to carry out the acquisition of existing commercial housing for use as affordable housing in a strong, orderly and effective manner. The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development stated that cities and counties should make independent decisions and participate voluntarily based on the situation of the local real estate market, taking into account the actual demand for affordable housing, the inventory level of the commercial housing market and other factors, in accordance with the idea of ​​"government-led and market-oriented operation". We must insist on ordering according to demand, accurately understand the demand, carefully investigate the bottom line of affordable housing demand in the region and the situation of existing commercial housing, reasonably determine the source of commercial housing that can be used as affordable housing, and lock in the demand for affordable housing in advance. We must adhere to standardized implementation, prevent all kinds of risks, standardize the acquisition subject, standardize the acquisition process, standardize the distribution and rental, and ensure that the acquired existing commercial housing has a suitable size, price and location. We must insist on making good use of financial support policies to achieve balanced funds and sustainable projects. In addition, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development requires that cities and counties that are engaged in the acquisition of existing commercial housing for use as affordable housing should effectively strengthen leadership, speed up the establishment and improvement of work mechanisms, improve supporting policies, form a working synergy, and promote the implementation of projects where conditions are ripe as soon as possible.

National Energy Administration: Electricity consumption in May increased by 7.2% year-on-year

The National Energy Administration released data on electricity consumption in May. In May, the total electricity consumption of the whole society was 775.1 billion kWh, a year-on-year increase of 7.2%. In terms of electricity consumption by industry, the primary industry consumed 11 billion kWh, a year-on-year increase of 10.3%; the secondary industry consumed 530.4 billion kWh, a year-on-year increase of 6.8%; the tertiary industry consumed 141.3 billion kWh, a year-on-year increase of 9.9%; and the urban and rural residents consumed 92.4 billion kWh, a year-on-year increase of 5.5%. From January to May, the total electricity consumption of the whole society was 3837 billion kWh, a year-on-year increase of 8.6%, of which the power generation of industrial enterprises above designated size was 3657 billion kWh. In terms of electricity consumption by industry, the primary industry consumed 49.5 billion kWh, a year-on-year increase of 9.7%; the secondary industry consumed 2536.5 billion kWh, a year-on-year increase of 7.2%; the tertiary industry consumed 691.8 billion kWh, a year-on-year increase of 12.7%; and the urban and rural residents consumed 559.2 billion kWh, a year-on-year increase of 9.9%.

Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone: Completely cancel the purchase restrictions on commercial housing and cancel the sales restrictions on commercial housing

On June 20, the Executive Committee of the Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone issued the "Several Measures on Promoting the Stable and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market in the Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone". It proposed to completely cancel the purchase restrictions on commercial housing, and no longer review the qualifications of buyers for purchasing commercial housing (including new commercial housing and second-hand housing) within the cooperation zone. Cancel the sales restrictions on commercial housing, cancel the transfer restrictions on commercial housing (including new commercial housing and second-hand housing) in the cooperation zone (except for those with restricted property transfers), and support residents' rigid and improvement housing purchase needs.

Shanghai Futures Energy Adjustment of the Container Shipping Index (European Line) Futures Contract Trading Margin Ratio and Price Limit Range

The Shanghai International Energy Exchange announced that from the closing settlement on June 24, 2024 (Monday), the trading margin ratio and price limit range will be adjusted as follows: the trading margin ratio of the EC2502 and EC2504 futures contracts of the European Shipping Index (European Line) will be adjusted to 18%, and the price limit range will be adjusted to 16%; from the trading on June 25, 2024 (Tuesday), the trading margin ratio of the EC2506 futures contract of the European Shipping Index (European Line) will be 18%, and the price limit range will be 16%, and the price limit range on the first day will be 2 times of it. The maximum number of intraday opening transactions of the EC2506 futures contract of the European Shipping Index (European Line) for non-futures company members, overseas special non-broker participants, and customers is 100 lots. The transaction fee of the EC2506 futures contract of the European Shipping Index (European Line) will be adjusted to 0.6% of the transaction amount, and the transaction fee for closing the position within the day will be adjusted to 12% of the transaction amount.

SHFE: Develop and list more futures products such as liquefied natural gas, cast aluminum alloy, and corrugated paper

Wang Fenghai, general manager of the Shanghai Futures Exchange, stated at the 2024 Lujiazui Forum that the Shanghai Futures Exchange will continue to build a high-quality product system, serve the development of new quality productivity, keep up with the trend of green and low-carbon transformation, develop and list more futures products such as liquefied natural gas, cast aluminum alloys, and corrugated paper, and provide more and better products for the global industry.

The one-year and five-year LPRs remain unchanged

China's central bank kept its one-year and five-year loan prime rates (LPR) unchanged at 3.45% and 3.95%, respectively.


World Steel Association: China's crude steel output in May was 92.9 million tons, an increase of 2.7% year-on-year

According to the World Steel Association, global crude steel production in May 2024 was 165.1 million tons, up 1.5% year-on-year. China's crude steel production in May was 92.9 million tons, up 2.7% year-on-year; India's crude steel production in May was 12.2 million tons, up 3.5% year-on-year; Japan's crude steel production in May was 7.2 million tons, down 6.3% year-on-year; the United States' crude steel production in May was 6.9 million tons, down 1.5% year-on-year; Russia's crude steel production in May is expected to be 6.3 million tons, down 0.9% year-on-year; South Korea's crude steel production in May was 5.2 million tons, down 10.9% year-on-year; Turkey's crude steel production in May was 3.2 million tons, up 11.6% year-on-year. Germany's crude steel production in May is expected to be 3.2 million tons, down 1.9% year-on-year.

Fu Xiaochu, Director of the Guangzhou Local Financial Management Bureau: Support Guangzhou Futures Exchange to continuously enrich and improve its product system and accelerate the listing of more green products

On June 21, the "2024 Futures to Promote Green Finance Development Conference" was held in Guangzhou. Fu Xiaochu, director of the Guangzhou Local Financial Management Bureau, said at the meeting that Guangzhou will increase its efforts in green financial reform and innovation, support the Guangzhou Futures Exchange (GFE) to continuously enrich and improve its product system, and accelerate the listing of more green products. In recent years, Guangzhou's financial industry has achieved remarkable results. In 2023, the added value of the financial industry reached 273.674 billion yuan, and the balance of green loans reached 1.19 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 33.2%. GFE has successfully listed lithium carbonate futures, options and other products, and will continue to promote the development of green and low-carbon industries in the future.

Dalian Commodity Exchange issued an announcement on the modification of the exercise price and other terms of option contracts

Dalian Commodity Exchange issued an announcement on the modification of the terms of the exercise price of option contracts. The modification of the terms of the exercise price of option contracts has been reviewed and approved by the 41st meeting of the 4th Council of Dalian Commodity Exchange and is now announced and will be implemented from the settlement on August 2, 2024. Option contracts that have been listed before August 2, 2024 will continue to be traded.

The State Council Tariff Commission: Anti-dumping duties will continue to be imposed on imported styrene originating from South Korea, Taiwan and the United States for a period of 5 years

Based on the investigation results, the Ministry of Commerce proposed to the State Council Tariff Commission to continue to implement anti-dumping measures. Based on the proposal of the Ministry of Commerce, the State Council Tariff Commission decided to continue to impose anti-dumping duties on imports of styrene originating from South Korea, Taiwan and the United States from June 23, 2024 for a period of 5 years.

Yuanxing Energy: The second phase of the Alxa Natural Soda Project is scheduled to be completed in December 2025

An investor asked on the interactive platform whether the company's Phase 2 will be put into production in 2030? Yuanxing Energy responded that the second phase of the Alxa Natural Soda Project is scheduled to be completed in December 2025. It also stated that the fourth production line of the first phase of the Alxa Natural Soda Project is still under trial operation, and the time to reach full production is still uncertain. The company does not deliberately use the time of information disclosure to cooperate with capital in financial market operations.

Rumor has it that Yuanxing Alashan will be undergoing maintenance for a week? Will the official start of production of Line 4 be postponed to 2025? Yuanxing Energy's response

An investor asked a question on the interactive platform.

① Is it true that Yuanxing Alashan Pure was under maintenance for a week? Yuanxing Energy responded that the situation you described does not exist in the company's Alashan natural soda project at present.

② It is rumored that the company postponed the official start-up time of Line 4 to 2025. Why did the company make this change in plan? Yuanxing Energy responded that the fourth production line of the first phase of the Alxa Natural Soda Project is still under trial operation, and the time to reach full production is still uncertain. There is no change in the plan as you mentioned.

The draft Financial Stability Law is scheduled for second reading, clarifying the responsibilities of the central financial work leading body

In December 2022, the 38th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress held its first review of the draft Financial Stability Law proposed by the State Council. On the morning of June 21, 2024, the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress held a press conference. Spokesperson Huang Haihua introduced that the second review draft of the draft is to be submitted to the 10th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress for review. In order to implement the spirit of the Second Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee and the Central Financial Work Conference, the second review draft of the draft to be submitted to this Standing Committee meeting for review is proposed to make the following major revisions: First, improve the management system and clarify the responsibilities of the central financial work leading body. Second, improve the draft's relevant provisions on financial supervision and financial risk prevention and disposal. Third, do a good job in connecting with other financial laws.

MinRes to terminate Yilgarn iron ore operations in Western Australia

According to foreign media reports, Mineral Resources of Western Australia will terminate its iron ore production in the Yilgarn mine in Western Australia by December 31, 2024. The company said that it was mainly affected by financial factors and the limited life of mines in the region, in addition to the subsequent costs of developing new iron ore. It is expected that in the next six months, the Yilgarn mine will reduce production in stages, and it is expected to produce 4 million tons of iron ore by the end of this year, and enter the maintenance phase in early 2025. MinRes has five independent mines in the Yilgarn area of ​​Western Australia, including Koolyanobbing, Mt Jackson, Windarling, Deception and Parker Range, which produced a total of 8.006 million tons of iron ore in 2023. After the suspension of the Yilgarn mine, MinRes will turn its focus to the development of its other iron ore project, Onslow Iron, in Western Australia. The project is expected to have an annual production capacity of 35 million tons, which greatly guarantees the iron ore production of MinRes.

Pilbara Minerals to double annual lithium production at Pilgangoora

Pilbara Minerals, Australia's largest independent lithium producer, said on Friday that it will double the production capacity of lithium ingots at its Pilgangoora mine in Western Australia. A pre-feasibility study conducted by the company determined that annual production at Pilgangoora could be increased to more than 2 million tons, with average annual production expected to be about 1.9 million tons in the first 10 years after the expansion. Pilbara may make a potential investment decision on the expansion based on the results of the feasibility study, which is expected to be conducted in the December 2025 quarter. The company expects to increase capital expenditure by A$1.2 billion (US$799.2 million) to build a new flotation plant to increase capacity. The new plant will be adjacent to the existing Pilgan plant to take advantage of existing key synergies.

USDA: U.S. soybean export net sales data for the week ending June 13

① The net export sales of soybeans in the United States in 2023/2024 were 556,000 tons, compared with 377,000 tons in the previous week; the net sales of soybeans in 2024/2025 were 84,000 tons, compared with 3,000 tons in the previous week.

② The U.S. soybean export shipments for 2023/2024 were 341,000 tons, compared with 215,000 tons the previous week;

③ The United States will sell 214,000 tons of soybeans to China in 2023/2024, compared with 109,000 tons in the previous week; the United States will sell 0 tons of soybeans to China in 2024/2025, compared with 0 tons in the previous week;

④ The United States sold 24.235 million tons of soybeans to China in 2023/2024, compared with 24.021 million tons in the previous week;

⑤ The United States shipped 9,000 tons of soybeans to China in 2023/2024, compared with 10,000 tons in the previous week;

⑥ The United States shipped a total of 23.886 million tons of soybeans to China in 2023/2024, compared with 23.877 million tons in the previous week;

⑦ The United States has not shipped 349,000 tons of soybeans to China in 2023/2024, compared with 144,000 tons in the previous week; the United States has not shipped 0 tons of soybeans to China in 2024/2025, compared with 0 tons in the previous week.


Moscow Exchange says some clients' foreign exchange margins have been frozen due to US sanctions

The Moscow Exchange of Russia issued an announcement on the 21st that due to the US sanctions, some foreign exchange margins of some exchange customers were frozen. The Moscow Exchange said that in order to fulfill the obligations that the exchange should fulfill to its customers, the National Clearing Center decided to convert the frozen US dollars and euros into Russian rubles before June 28, 2024 according to the exchange rate determined by the Russian Central Bank on June 13, 2024 to fulfill the obligations that should be fulfilled.

Palestinians say Israeli airstrikes in Gaza kill more than 40

The Palestinian News Agency said that the Israeli army carried out intensive air strikes on several areas in the Gaza Strip on the 21st, killing more than 40 people and injuring many others. On the same day, the Israel Defense Forces claimed that they had carried out air strikes on Palestinian armed targets in several areas of the Gaza Strip. The Israeli army also said that southern Israel was attacked by rockets fired from the Gaza Strip that day.

National Development and Reform Commission: EU's imposition of tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles is harmful to others and not beneficial to itself

Zheng Zhajie, director of the National Development and Reform Commission, said on the 22nd that the so-called "overcapacity" of China's new energy industry violates market laws and economic common sense. The EU's imposition of tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles is harmful to others and not beneficial to itself. China will take all measures to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese companies. The first high-level dialogue of the China-Germany dialogue and cooperation mechanism on climate change and green transformation was held in Beijing on the same day. Zheng Zhajie said at the meeting that the development of China's new energy industry is the result of comprehensive advantages in technology, market, and industrial chain. It has developed in fierce market competition. It is the result of market laws. It is the result of "competition", not "compensation", and it is not unfair competition. (Xinhua News Agency)

Shandong: Meteorological drought will continue in most areas in late June

According to the Shandong Provincial Meteorological Observatory, there is no large-scale heavy rainfall in Shandong in late June. The central and northern regions will still be dominated by high temperatures and little rainfall, and the meteorological drought will continue in most areas. At present, Shandong has invested a total of 414 million yuan in drought relief funds, put into use 239,500 electromechanical wells, 2,856 pumping stations, 504,300 sets of mobile drought relief equipment, and 7,500 mobile water transport vehicles, to fully guarantee urban and rural water supply and summer planting water demand, and minimize the losses caused by drought disasters.


Houthis say they cooperated with Iraqi militias in attacking ships

In the early morning of June 23rd local time, Yemeni Houthi spokesman Yahya Sarea issued a new statement, saying that the Houthi armed forces cooperated with the Iraqi militia "Islamic Resistance Organization" and recently launched multiple attacks on ships heading to Israeli ports. One of the operations targeted four ships in the Israeli Haifa Port, including two cement transport ships and two cargo ships. Another attack targeted a ship in the Mediterranean Sea heading to the Haifa Port. The Houthi armed forces claimed that they used drones to carry out the above attacks.

The USS Roosevelt will be deployed to the Middle East next week

The U.S. Department of Defense website and Yonhap News Agency released the latest news on the 23rd, saying that the U.S. Navy's nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Roosevelt, which has arrived in Busan, southern South Korea for joint military exercises, will be deployed to the Middle East after this round of exercises. According to the news released on the U.S. Department of Defense website local time on the 22nd, Pentagon spokesman Pat Ryder said in a statement that the USS Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group left the U.S. Central Command's area of ​​responsibility that day and will return to the United States after a brief stay (for a period of time) in the European Command's area of ​​responsibility. The statement said, "Next week, the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Roosevelt will leave the Indo-Pacific region and head to the U.S. Central Command's area of ​​responsibility."

Heilongjiang Province launches Level 4 emergency response for flood prevention

According to the Heilongjiang Provincial Emergency Management Department, as of 8:00 on June 23, 11 stations on seven rivers in the province, including the Wusuli River and the Woken River, exceeded the warning water level by 0.01 to 1.15 meters. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Heilongjiang Provincial Flood Control Emergency Plan", with the approval of the provincial flood control and drought relief headquarters, the provincial flood control and drought relief headquarters decided to initiate a level 4 flood control emergency response at 13:00 on June 23, 2024.

Air raid sirens sound in many places in northern Israel

At noon local time on the 23rd, air defense sirens sounded in many places in northern Israel, some of which were located around Sakhnin, about 25 kilometers from the temporary border between Israel and Lebanon, and others were located in the Lower Galilee region farther from the temporary border. No casualties have been reported so far. The Israeli military has not commented on the incident.

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