1. The bull market is not over (don’t care if it comes or not, there will be a main uptrend and a copycat season)

2. The decline is not over. At least there will be a wave of decline in the US stock market in the early stage of the interest rate cut.

3. It is not ruled out that a small or medium-sized black swan will appear, leading to a market similar to 312.

4. It is recommended to make more money during this period, and the opportunity to buy the bottom will appear, but the bullets must be prepared.

5. There may be a rebound in July.

6. My point of view is that we are now in the second half of the abnormal 2019. Recently, I found that no one likes to read long articles, but short articles have a large number of readers. If you want to see the analysis, please reply in the comment area, and I will see if anyone wants to read it.

Follow me, and avoid detours in the currency circle. Information gap, knowledge gap! Only with keen perception of information can you make better layout and eat more meat!

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