Which of the guides for beginners in the cryptocurrency circle are reliable?

1. The magic of flattening costs

For example, if you buy 10,000 U for 10U, and then buy another 10,000 U when it drops to 5U, the average cost is 6.67U, not 7.5U. This is the power of flattening!

2. The miracle of compound interest accumulated over time

If you earn 1% every day, after 250 trading days a year, your assets will increase to 1.3232 million, and double to 10 million in two years. The magic of compound interest, do you understand?

3. Amazing returns with high winning rate

With a winning rate of 60%, you can invest 100 times in a row, with a stop profit and stop loss of 10% each, and the total return rate can reach 300%. This is the power of winning rate!

4. Small funds turn into big wealth

Starting from 10,000 U, earning 10% each time, it will become 1 million U in 49 days, 10 million U in 73 days, and 100 million U in 97 days. The premise is extremely high self-discipline and strict risk control.

The gap between reality and ideal

The above methods sound good, but few people can do it in reality. Greed is the biggest enemy.

Contract trading strategy

Contract trading requires strict management of positions and funds. It is recommended to use only 2%-5% of the principal as the basic position, and the leverage should be controlled within 20 times. Those who use 100 times leverage are playing with fire.

The key to long-term profitability

Whether it is futures, stocks or currency contracts, trading is a challenge to human nature. Leverage will amplify greed, and it will be swallowed up if it cannot be controlled.

Only by doing a good job of fund and position management can you make long-term profits. I hope these experiences can help you to make steady progress in the currency circle and make a lot of money!

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