Many fans asked Lao Deng why he didn't write an article to give the price this weekend. $BTC has been sideways this weekend. How can there be a trend to open an order? The weather is so good, why not go fishing? Isn't it a waste? And the stop-profit position given by Lao Deng at 5 pm on the 21st is not accurate? It can be said to be the lowest point of this wave of shorts.

Next week is approaching the landing of ETFs. Many people are shouting for more, saying that it is good news, but if we look closely at BTC, it has basically been falling since the short order on June 7th. Lao Deng also said in the early stage that there is no support below this wave of shorts, so friends who have been following Lao Deng to open shorts are indeed making money all the way. Lao Deng's order on the 15th was from 66950 to around 65000, and then on the 18th, he followed this strategy and opened another wave of short orders to 64762. This strategy ate two waves of short orders in a row, and then on the 20th, he went short at 66000 and went short at 5 pm on the 21st to 63600! All the big waves of short orders were eaten. The strategy for each order is issued in the early stage of the market. Friends who have been watching should have made a lot of money.

Those who have not followed Lao Deng’s strategy must pay attention to Lao Deng, otherwise you will miss the next opportunity to make money! Don’t worry if you are a die-hard fan of Lao Deng. Lao Deng will notify you to open an order as soon as he sees it!

#热门话题 #BTC走势预测 #BTC翻倍之路