4. Think independently and go your own way

On the road of currency speculation, you may meet many like-minded friends, but remember that everyone's situation is different. You can listen to their advice, but the final decision still depends on you. Independent thinking and finding the most suitable path for yourself are the key to success.

5. Be cautious when adding positions with profits, and don't be blindly greedy

When you start to make profits, you may feel that money comes too easily and want to increase your investment. But remember that the market is changing rapidly and there is no eternal winner. Before adding positions, you must think calmly and assess the risks. Don't be confused by the immediate interests. Keep a clear mind to go further.

6. Experience market fluctuations and exercise your heart

In the currency circle, you will experience countless market fluctuations. Sometimes you will become rich overnight, and sometimes you will return to the pre-liberation era overnight. But remember that these fluctuations are all part of the market. They will exercise your heart and make you stronger. When you really experience these fluctuations, you will find that your mentality has changed dramatically. At this time, you are no longer the novice who just entered the currency circle, but a real warrior.

7. Set a deadline and don't forget your original intention

It's easy to lose yourself in the cryptocurrency world. You may be confused by the fluctuations of the market and forget your original intention. Therefore, I suggest you set a deadline for yourself. This deadline is not about how much success you will achieve in a certain period of time, but to keep a clear mind at all times and not forget your original intention. Remember what your goal is? Why do you want to enter the cryptocurrency world? Only in this way can you stay calm and not be confused in the market fluctuations.

8. Be wary of the risks in the cryptocurrency world and protect your wallet

Finally, I want to emphasize the risks in the cryptocurrency world. This is a world full of temptations and traps. If you are not careful, you may fall into a situation where there is no return. Therefore, before stepping into this world, you must be fully prepared and planned. Don't blindly follow the trend and don't listen to rumors. Learn to think independently and analyze the market situation. Only in this way can you be invincible in the cryptocurrency world. #币安合约锦标赛