Bitcoin $BTC vs. Ethereum $ETH : Which Will Win Q3 2024?

The world’s number one and two leading cryptocurrencies by market capitalization, daily transaction volume, and crypto exchange volume have almost perfectly tied for ROI from Jan. 1 through the middle of June…

BTC is up 54% YTD with only a few days left in Q2 2024. ETH is up 55% in a statistical dead heat tie for quarter two ROI. Who will win in quarter three and why?

The average annualized ROI for Bitcoin and Ethereum price performance since Jan. 1 is aces. The top two cryptocurrencies are pacing for a +116% year.

Question is which cryptocurrency will outdo the other in Q3, or will Bitcoin and Ethereum come remarkably close again to earning the same amount of profit for crypto investors in the next half of the year?

Few factors that may fuel the potential gains in Both $BTC & $ETH. Some are more bullish for BTC, some for ETH, and some are a wash between the two blockchains,

*Dollar Inflation ( Advantage BTC )

*DeFi and DApps usage ( Advantage ETH )

*Institutional Adoption ( Advantage BTC & ETH )

*Prague Electra ETH upgrade ( Advantage ETH )

*Meme Coins on ETH blockchain ( Advantage ETH )

*Competitive Analysis ( Advantage BTC )

While BNB, Solana, Cardano, Avalanche, Aptos, and a hundred others compete with Ethereum for DeFi market share, there is only one Bitcoin with only 21 million BTC...

so presumably BTC Might stay on Top ...