1. BitKan (https://bitkan.com/zh/) is a long-established market tool. Official introduction: BitKan is a one-stop service APP for digital currency investment, providing a full range of services including market information, content information, vertical community, multi-chain wallet, and aggregated trading.

2. Feixiaohao (https://www.feixiaohao.com) Global market conditions and trading status of various platforms. Official introduction: Feixiaohao is the first professional digital currency industry big data platform in China, focusing on providing data analysis and data mining services for digital currency users.

3. CoinMarketcap (https://coinmarketcap.com) is the world's most well-known market and trend website, providing global currency market value, rise and fall data.

Without finding an official introduction directly, CoinMarketcap seems to be relatively simple, mainly a market tool.

4. MyToken (https://www.mytoken.io) provides thousands of digital currency quotes and new information on exchanges, mainly for mobile devices.

5. TokenData (http://m3w.cn/tokendata) is the first tool in the cryptocurrency circle, integrating search, browser, information, market conditions, data, quantification, community, candy, red envelopes, games, etc., and is mainly used on mobile devices.

6. Cryptocompare (https://www.cryptocompare.com) displays timely and authoritative real-time cryptocurrency prices, conducts market analysis, and provides mining-related data.

7. WorldCoinIndex (https://www.worldcoinindex.com) Real-time cryptocurrency quotes, displayed in BTC and 13 fiat currencies, English website.

​8. Cryptowatch (https://cryptowat.ch/) displays real-time cryptocurrency quotes in a very concise page. #BTC